Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Little Princess

A couple Fridays ago I got a call that strikes fear in some Moms (me). It went something like this your daughter has been chosen to represent our class as Valentine princess at our Winter festival. Let me just say I am not "that" Mom who is creative with ways to raise money so Hallie was warned not to expect to win but just enjoy the moment.
Last night was the festival and all the boys and girls looked so sweet!
I decided to treat Hallie to the "works"  Jody did her hair and she felt like such a big girl and looked so pretty (I know I'm partial)
 Daddy's girl (I love this picture)
Hallie with her friend and fellow princess Claudia :-)
Our neighborhood is full of royalty this is the princesses with their friend and neighbor Prince Hayden
Hallie and friend Logan, the prince from her class
Lining up the 2nd grade representatives. Hard to believe that before the announcements, she was crying from nervousness but once it started she was all smiles-so proud of her!
 All over and time to have fun and play games, Hallie got to play with princess Claire, isn't she precious!

Congrats to King Jordan and Queen Alayna Grace they both go to our church and are a wonderful little boy & girl! The Valentine King & Queen contest was hard work but was for such a good cause-the school! We were all excited when it was announced that this year's contest raised over 24,000.00   WOW good job everyone that makes it all worth it!

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